Sunday, May 30, 2010


Perhaps not on a par with stealing 40,000£ of taxpayers money - but sleazy all the same - up pops another news story today which shows that the Tory pigs are well and truly back at the trough.

Also in today's Times, it is revealed how the taxman has blocked the appointment of a Tory freeloader to the House of Lords.

Sir Anthony Pigford - who has been hiding millions of pounds from the taxman for more years than we can count - wanted to be made a Lord.

And Blue Dave wanted to make him a Lord too.

But the taxman, rightly miffed that he has not been paid by this parasite, has said "No".

A good job that someone has scruples, eh, Mr Cameron?

What always surprises us about these people - Laws, Pigford et al. - is that they readily agree to "punish" people who steal 40£ a week from the state on the dole. But then steal many thousands of times as much themselves.

But you know what they say; one laws for the rich. One for the poor.


So David Laws has had to resign.

And Sleaze rears it's ugly head in the Houses of Parliament once again.

Laws, it seems, wrongly claimed (ie. stole) £40,000 of taxpayers money.

It appears that he had been fiddling expenses - illegally claiming rent for his partners flat - for NINE years.

So, no blip, then.

A calculated and delberate fiddle.

nb: Funny how the press are calling this thief "a man of integrity". That's not what they call people who fiddle a few pounds on the dole... Still, who are we to call the rich and powerful into question?

Friday, May 21, 2010


You have to wonder who the Coalition represent.

The Tories promised to drop Labour's rise in National Insurance. Now they've decided to keep it. They said they would spend one £ billion on new prisons - which they are not now going to do. They were against a rise in inheritance tax. It was 18% under Labour. And now it is going to be 40%.

Did their voters vote for this?

And then there is the Libservatives.

They are "having a vote on" AV. So, no attempt at PR then? They said that didn't want spending cuts this year. But now agree to having them this year. They said they would not support the Government holding the DNA records of innocent people - and now they accept the Government doing just that.

Did their voters vote for this?

I get the impression that a lot of voters may be looking forward to a by-election...

Thursday, May 20, 2010


That bastion of rabidity, home to the most incoherent drivel, The Daily Mail today bawls out - once again - that Yellow Dave and the Libservatives are forcing Blue Dave and the Conservatives to back down on manifesto pledges.

You can read the rant here.

Clearly there is one thing that The Daily Mail has not yet grasped.

I'll spell it out for them.


Which is why there was a need for a coalition.

And why there is a need for compromise.

Sadly, the Mail also shows just why the coalition is doomed to fail.

Because rags like the Mail - and the usual suspects who nod along with everything it shouts - just don't grasp the basics of the word compromise.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Note; Think of this as being like those Panini football stickers. Collect the full set of Usual Suspects and you can have your own album of horrors.

Bill Cash was a pain in the backside of the last Conservative government. One of several "loyal" Tories who regularly did whatever he could to upset both them and their program. He was, quite probably, very pleased to see them fall from office in 1997. (So were most of us, Bill).

During the following years, whilst New Labour kept the blue flag flying on his behalf, Mr Cash lived up to his name and helped himself at the trough of MP's expenses. Snouting a cool £15,000 cash on expenses for his daughter to play with.

Odd. Considering that his attitude to people fiddling ten quid on the dole is "hang em and flog em".

Now back in the backseats of Government, Bull Cash is also back in his element; doing his utmost to get his name in the paper and cause trouble for his own party.

The Usual Suspects. They make an awful lot of noise. Because they are awful people.


In The Times, Yellow Dave has made clear another huge gulf between his Libservative party and the Tories.

Point 1: The Tories want the rich to pay a lot less tax.

Point 2: The Libservatives want the rich to pay a lot more tax.


There is a pretty obvious clash of ideology here:

Tories cut taxes in such a way as to give great heaps of cash to the richest. They always have. It's what makes them the Tory party.

By contrast, the Libservatives think that the tax burden should be spread. The poorest should pay less tax. And in order to fund that move, the richest should pay more.

So what will the New Coalition do?

Well, in the article Yellow Dave insists that Blue Dave is of the same opinion as he. Cut the tax load on the poorest and make the rich cough up.


But for one thing.

The great majority of the Blue party are frothing at the mouth at this prospect.

They want the rich to get a good big handout.

And they will fall out with Yellow Dave if he insists on the game being played his way.

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Liked this image...

Found on this -> blog

Cameron tells the BBC that Clegg is "IN" - but is he?

Interviewed by the BBC's Andrew Marr, Blue Dave has already had to emphasise that Clegg (a.k.a. Yellow Dave) is "part of the inner core".


Dave is one of us.


Of course he isn't.

But it wouldn't do to admit this publicly.

You can read a bit of the article here

But perhaps the most interesting thing is not the insistence that the Libservatives are in the inner core - which with just a scattering of irrelevant cabinet posts they clearly are not - but Cameron's claim to be a Liberal Conservative.

Hmm... Will that go down well with the likes of Norman Terrier?

Are the usual barking mad right wing suspects going to want to hear that their new bloo PM is actually a Liberal at heart?

I suspect not.

It may only be the most distant rumble of thunder at the moment, but the storm clouds will definitely be appearing on the horizon within the next few weeks.

The question is, which storm will break first?

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Found this on the internet...

Shame it's not in colour but it conveys a general feeling..

Day 1 (cont.d)

the picture says a lot

blue dave does the talking and the other bloke, yellow dave (a.k.a the current deputy john prescott), does the looking at the ground...

is he thinking?

"why did i do this"?


Today is the first day of the doomed Liberal Democrat Conservative coalition.

And already things are starting to go wrong!

Posts have been allocated in government and the grand coalition has thrown up the following:

Prime Minister (Conservative)
Chancellor (Conservative)
Home Secretary (Conservative)
Foreign Secreatary (Conservative)
Education Secretary (Yup... Conservative even though they dont believe in Education outside of the public schools)
Health Secretary (incredibly, Conservative)
Lord Chief Justice (Conservative)
Defence Secretary (Conservative)


So what senior jobs have the Libservatives been offered?


Hang on....

Well, remember that job that John Prescott had (the one where the press sneered "What's his job description? What does he do?"), that's right, Deputy PM - well that's gone to Cleggy. The LibDem boss.

Other than that there are the following

Scottish Secretary (Libservative - no surprise considering that the Scots would stone a Tory rather than look at one!)
Secretary to The Treasury (a kind of poor mans chancellor) (Libservative)
Bottle Washer (Libservative)

And that's it!

That's their lot.